We understand that long form leads are high intent and the buyers will be more serious compared to short forms. However, we recommend using short forms during the first 2 months for 2 reasons.

Reason 1:

To generate as many leads as we can in the first 2 months so we can use this as a custom audience and upload it back to Facebook. That way Facebook algorithm can find people who are in the market for a vehicle and show ads to the in market audience rather than displaying to a cold audience after 2 months. 

Reason 2:

If we use long forms right off the bat, we get very less leads and Facebook algorithm will think that we are not selling a high demand product and will not show ads to the in market audience. [Just like you displaying your best vehicles right in front of the lot and hiding the not so good ones behind the lot.] 

So, we highly recommend running short form lead ads and not long form ads. 

Hope this helps!